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Jenny & Damian’s Engagement Shoot

Jenny & Damian’s Engagement Shoot

A few words from Wedding Planner Jenny Wren, about her own photo shoot

“A relatively new element in the wedding planning world that is becoming increasingly popular.

I openly admit I did not really understand the purpose of an engagement shoot, I considered it as just another add on that photographers could offer to set themselves apart. That was until Damian and I had our own shoot with Exposure, our chosen wedding photographers. Within 10 minutes of the shoot my view was completely changed…

Simon asked us to think of a place that was special to us and we enjoyed spending time at – we chose Tehidy woods and met him there on a sunny Summer evening after work. Not knowing what to expect, he immediately put us at ease and a few minutes in, it felt like we were just talking a walk together.

Whilst dodging dog walkers and families, his creative eye led us to some great shoot locations within the woodlands and we had a lot of fun!

Neither of us had, had our photograph taken professionally before, so the shoot was a first for us both. It allowed us to ease into feeling comfortable being in front of the camera before our wedding day.

As well as this, it gave us the opportunity to get to know our photographer a lot better, we knew we would be spending a lot of time with Simon on the wedding day so we found it really lovely to build this relationship before hand.

Simon caught some truly beautiful photos in a spot that had meaning to us both and we feel the images expressed that elated ‘glow’ you can’t help but get, in the lead up to the aisle!”

Jenny & Damian Engagment Shoot by Exposure Photo Agency from Exposure Photo Agency on Vimeo.

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Jenny Wren
Wedding Planner

Jenny & Damian wedding photos

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